Map of Sofia city
Interactive travel map of Sofia – innovative way to explore the capital city
The Interactive travel map of Sofia was created as a result of fruitful collaboration between Audio Guide Bulgaria and Sofia Municipality. Our mutual goal is to make it possible more and more people to discover the charms of our capital city Sofia and enable them to get to know the city and love it as much as we do.
The interactive travel map of Sofia was the outcome of our joint effort.
What is the interactive travel map of Sofia?
This is a physical paper map of the capital city that provides information about the location of popular tourist sites in Sofia - the capital city. It helps you find the museums, historical monuments, cultural and natural heritage sites that will tell you about the history and culture of Sofia and help you get to know the city.
The interactive travel map of Sofia has much more to offer – it can help you find places and tourist objects that will add more flavour to your city tour and make you feel its atmosphere and fully enjoy your tour.
Here is a list of the tourist objects that you can find on the map:
- museums and art galleries
- historical and cultural monuments
- hotels
- restaurants and bars
- shops, shopping centres and malls
- cosmetic and beauty studios and spa centres
- activities and playgrounds for kids
- sports parks and clubs
- fun activities and hobbies
- subways
How to use the interactive travel map of Sofia
What you read here may sound familiar but now it is time to tell you about our new tool – our free of charge Audio Guide Bulgaria mobile travel application that can be used along with the paper interactive travel map of Sofia.
Each tourist attraction on the paper map has a number. It is not a random number. It has a particular function. When you put this number on the mobile travel application Audio Guide Bulgaria you will be able to get more detailed information about the place that you are interested in.
Each tourist attraction on the paper map is represented on the mobile application and you can see the following:
- description of the services
- opening hours
- prices
- photo galleries of the object
- videos
- “Navigate me” function that will guide you from your start point to your desired destination and show you the shortcut
We believe that this synergy will facilitate you a lot in your choice of direction during your individual trip to Sofia. You can find answers to questions such as: Shall we head for Saint Sofia Church or shall we just have a rest and get a cup of coffee on the Vitosha Boulevard? Shall we visit the National History museum or shall we relax in a massage studio? Wherever you decide to go, the interactive map and our mobile application will direct you to your desired destination easily and fast by saving your time so that you can make the most of your day and fulfil your expectations.
Video instructions
Where can you find the interactive travel map and the application?
To get an interactive map of Sofia is easy – you can do it by visiting any information tourist center in the city. You can also get it at some hotels.
If you have not used yet our free of charge Audio Guide Bulgaria mobile travel guide, you can download it on your cell phone by using the QR codes on the map. Choose an option that is suitable for your mobile device.
What else can you do further with your free of charge digital travel guide?
Do not hurry to uninstall the mobile travel application when you leave the capital city. In this app you can find detailed information about all the other tourist cities in Bulgaria - Plovdiv, Bansko, Burgas, Sunny Beach, Nessebar, Varna, Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Velingrad, Smolyan, Kazanlak, Troyan, Hisarya and many others. The application will be your valuable assistant during your individual excursions throughout the country.
Moreover, you can choose from our readymade itineraries and excursions to visit the most popular tourist attractions in Bulgaria. We offer you pre-planned walking tours along with fascinating audio storytelling. Audio Guide Bulgaria pre-planned tours are a wonderful way to let you immerse yourself in a sea of emotions while discovering our ancient history and culture at your own choice and pace.
Learn more about our free of charge Audio Guide Bulgaria mobile travel application HERE.