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map of Sofia


If you are planning to visit the capital of Bulgaria, you will definitely need a tourist map. Map of Sofia, Bulgaria contains 34 objects with sights, a Sofia metro map, and other useful information.

Sights of Sofia, Bulgaria

1. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
2. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
2а.Museum of Christian Art (Crypt)
3. Kvadrat 500 - National Gallery
4. St. Sophia Basilica
4а.Underground Museum & Tomb of Honorius
5. National Opera & Ballet
6. Russian Church St. Nikolay
7. National Museum of Natural History
8. National Art Gallery & Ethnographic Museum
9. Amphitheatre of Serdica (Arena di Serdica Hotel, Budapest street 4 ) temporarily closed
10. Sofia Philharmonic
11. Ivan Vazov National Theatre
12. National Archeological Museum
13. Historical & Archaeological Museum at St. Synod (St. Nedelya Square 19) temporarily closed
14. President Palace of Republic of Bulgaria
15. Rotonda of St. George
16. St. Nedelya Church
17. Museum of the Ministry of the Interior (30 Lavelle Str)
18. Catholic Cathedral of St. Joseph
19. Synagogue
20. Statue of St. Sofia
21. Triangle tower of Serdica (16 Kn. Maria Luiza Blvd)
22. Sofia History Museum
23. Banya Bashi Mosque
24. St. Petka Church
25. Monument to the Tsar Liberator
26. Alexander I Battenberg Tomb (17 Hadji Dimitar Str)
27. Monument to the Soviet Army
28. Vasil Levski National Stadium & Sport Museum
29. National Palace of Culture
30. Museum of Contemporary Art
31. Earth and Man National Museum
32. Ancient Serdica Complex
33. Antique West Gate of Serdica
34. National Museum of Military History

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